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最后更新: 2017-07-23 22:47
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:1020
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     本产品是一种双向开启的地弹簧,适用于铝型材门,钢门,钢化玻璃门的安装使用。        主机关键部件均选用进口优质低合金钢,经调质与淬火处理,通过精磨加工组合而成,机体内     充优质液压防冻机油,确保在不同温度下机件运转平稳、灵活。 精确的定点关闭性能,使门扇无论向内或向外开启都能准确平稳地在零度定位。 门扇向内或向外最大能开启至116°,当门开至90°时将被准确自动定位。 两段速度调节,在116°--25°,25°--0°范围内的关闭速度作二段无级调速,令用户能随     意设定满意的速度效果。 通过三十万次运转调试,经国家质检部门检验,符合QB/T3884-1999技术标准。 内置减压阀,防止因外来强压或强风状态下闭门而造成的主机损坏或漏油。 独特的设计,先进的技术,令您在使用本产品时充分感受到方便、实用的完美效果。


    JDL J-3210 地弹簧技术参数主体概述Main geneality外观尺寸:270*130*53mm适用于最大门扇尺寸:900*2100mm。承受门重:70-90kg。门扇最大开启:116° 。开门力矩:42N·m, 关门力矩:23N·m 关门力矩在5° 时,不低于23N·m水泥盒中可调长度5mm、宽度5mm,在校准零位时可   纵向调节±2°Dimension:270*130*53mmMax Doo Leaf Size:900*2100mm。Doo Weight :70-90kg。Max Angle of Doo:116° 。Doo Open Toque:42N·m,DooCloseToque:23N·mThe Doo Close Toque won&pime;t be lowe than 23N·m at 5°Adjustable length is 5mm and width is 5mm in cement    box,when calibatin zeo position,it can be adjusted    at ±2° vetically尺寸图、调节图Size and Adjust photo图中“A&dquo;为90°-0°闭门速度调节阀。 (如果门扇可能打开大于116°,应于116°前装上门顶) “A&dquo;in photo is speed adjustment valve of closing  doo in 90°-0° .   (In case of possibility of doo opening ove 116°,   it is necessay to install doo stoppe befoe 116°.)注意事项Mattes needing attention请装置规格内的门扇。勿将门扇过度开启,造成漏油,产品损坏。勿将A速度调整螺丝旋出,只需微调至合适的速度。 Please install in the appopiate glass doos. Do not open the doos excessive,esulting in oil spills, the poduct is damaged. Do not completely spin out A scew of adjust the speed,  just need to fine-tuning to the appopiate speed,  othewise thee is the isk of oil spills.STEED S-010 下夹技术参数主体概述Main geneality 外观尺寸:164*31*52mm 本产品是一种适用于厚度为10mm-12mm无框钢化  玻璃门的门夹。        材质和内芯都采用高强度的锌合金精制而成,外  壳采用不锈钢冲压而成。 产品备有不同规格的下夹头、上夹、曲夹、轴心  可与各国地弹簧配合便用。 表面颜色、镜面、砂光、钛金等可供选择,或根  据要求定做颜色。 独特的设计,先进的技术,令您在使用本产品时  充分感受到方便、实用的完美效果。 Dimension:164*31*52mm The mateial and coe ae made of high stength zinc   alloy afte castibg,and the case is made of stainless  steel afte stamping. It is applicable toughened glass doo with a thickness   of 10mm to 12mm. Poducts incluts diffeent sized lowe clip,cuve clip,  cuve clip, zxle cente, and may be coopeated with   impoted gound sping fo opeation. Suface colos include mio.sand,titanium and fog,up to   you choice,special colo may be povided to you demand.尺寸图Size photo STEED S-020 上夹技术参数主体概述Main geneality 外观尺寸:164*31*52mm 本产品是一种适用于厚度为10mm-12mm无框钢化  玻璃门的门夹。        材质和内芯都采用高强度的锌合金精制而成,外  壳采用不锈钢冲压而成。 产品备有不同规格的下夹头、上夹、曲夹、轴心  可与各国地弹簧配合便用。 表面颜色、镜面、砂光、钛金等可供选择,或根  据要求定做颜色。 独特的设计,先进的技术,令您在使用本产品时  充分感受到方便、实用的完美效果。 Dimension:164*31*52mm The mateial and coe ae made of high stength zinc   alloy afte castibg,and the case is made of stainless  steel afte stamping. It is applicable toughened glass doo with a thickness   of 10mm to 12mm. Poducts incluts diffeent sized lowe clip,cuve clip,  cuve clip, zxle cente, and may be coopeated with   impoted gound sping fo opeation. Suface colos include mio.sand,titanium and fog,up to   you choice,special colo may be povided to you demand.尺寸图Size photo STEED S-030 上夹技术参数主体概述Main geneality 外观尺寸:164*31*52mm 本产品是一种适用于厚度为10mm-12mm无框钢化  玻璃门的门夹。        材质和内芯都采用高强度的锌合金精制而成,外  壳采用不锈钢冲压而成。 产品备有不同规格的下夹头、上夹、曲夹、轴心  可与各国地弹簧配合便用。 表面颜色、镜面、砂光、钛金等可供选择,或根  据要求定做颜色。 独特的设计,先进的技术,令您在使用本产品时  充分感受到方便、实用的完美效果。 Dimension:164*31*52mm The mateial and coe ae made of high stength zinc   alloy afte castibg,and the case is made of stainless  steel afte stamping. It is applicable toughened glass doo with a thickness   of 10mm to 12mm. Poducts incluts diffeent sized lowe clip,cuve clip,  cuve clip, zxle cente, and may be coopeated with   impoted gound sping fo opeation. Suface colos include mio.sand,titanium and fog,up to   you choice,special colo may be povided to you demand.尺寸图Size photo STEED S-040 曲夹技术参数主体概述Main geneality 外观尺寸:218*31*106mm 本产品是一种适用于厚度为10mm-12mm无框钢化  玻璃门的门夹。        材质和内芯都采用高强度的锌合金精制而成,外  壳采用不锈钢冲压而成。 产品备有不同规格的下夹头、上夹、曲夹、轴心  可与各国地弹簧配合便用。 表面颜色、镜面、砂光、钛金等可供选择,或根  据要求定做颜色。 独特的设计,先进的技术,令您在使用本产品时  充分感受到方便、实用的完美效果。 Dimension:218*31*106mm The mateial and coe ae made of high stength zinc   alloy afte castibg,and the case is made of stainless  steel afte stamping. It is applicable toughened glass doo with a thickness   of 10mm to 12mm. Poducts incluts diffeent sized lowe clip,cuve clip,  cuve clip, zxle cente, and may be coopeated with   impoted gound sping fo opeation. Suface colos include mio.sand,titanium and fog,up to   you choice,special colo may be povided to you demand.尺寸图Size photo


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     联系人:黄先生 18023338746  龙先生 18023338742

    QQ:604806669 /794721226





