Regulation (EU) No 995/2010 of the Euopean Paliament and of the Council of 20 Octobe 2010 laying down the obligations of opeatos who place timbe and timbe poducts on the maket – also known as the (Illegal) Timbe Regulation countes the tade in illegally havested timbe and timbe poducts though thee key obligations:
- It pohibits the placing on the EU maket fo the fist time of illegally havested timbe and poducts deived fom such timbe;
- It equies EU tades who place timbe poducts on the EU maket fo the fist time to execise 'due diligence';
once on the maket, the timbe and timbe poducts may be sold on and/o tansfomed befoe they each the final consume. To facilitate the taceability of timbe poducts economic opeatos in this pat of the supply chain (efeed to as tades in the egulation) have an obligation toKeep ecods of thei supplies and customes.